Making Friends with AI

Sep 08, 2024
A human hand and robot hand reaching to touch each other

Imagine this: a sunny afternoon, you’re sitting on your front porch in a rocking chair, and your friendly neighbor is just a click away. Need a cup of sugar? They’ve got you covered. Lost your dog? Don’t worry, they’ll help you track it down. Now, what if that friendly neighbor wasn’t just a person next door, but AI—always ready to help, always just a click away?

That’s how I see AI. It’s the algorithm next door, a brilliant, fast-thinking partner who’s there whenever you need them. And for leaders, AI isn’t just some distant futuristic tool—it’s here, and it’s ready to be invited in. The question is, are you ready to make friends with it?

In this blog, we’re going to explore how AI can be more than just a tool—it can be your creative teammate, your on-demand helper, ready to work alongside you. Let’s dive into how you, as a leader, can harness the power of AI to lead smarter, not harder.

Why AI is the Genie in a Bottle

Let’s talk about AI as a genie in a bottle. Remember, in those old stories, when you’d rub the lamp and out would come this magical genie? Three wishes, right? And, of course, the sneaky strategy was to use your third wish to wish for unlimited wishes (nice try, but genies always had rules to stop that!).

AI is a lot like that genie. It’s powerful, magical, but it comes with boundaries. Just like you can’t game the genie into granting infinite wishes, you can’t just let AI run wild without human oversight. It’s here to help, but it still needs guidance—and that’s where we come in as leaders.

The best conversations I’ve had with AI don’t just come out of nowhere. They start with a spark of creativity from me, and then AI (my genius partner) asks the right questions to draw it out further. Together, we build something better than I could’ve created alone. And yeah, as an aside for all my fellow nerds out there: remember Uncle Ben’s famous words? "With great power comes great responsibility." [Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, of course—the only Spider-Man that really matters to me.]

Levels of Working with AI: From Toy to Teammate

I had a conversation with someone recently who broke down working with AI into three levels: toy, tool, and teammate. And it really clicked for me.

When you first start using AI, it’s like playing with a toy. Think Legos—you’re experimenting, testing it out, maybe building something cool but knowing it’s all about discovery. You’re in that playful phase, figuring out how AI fits into your work and life.

Then, AI becomes more of a tool. Think of your favorite tool—mine is my DeWalt dual-bevel miter saw. It’s powerful, precise, and I know exactly when and how to use it. AI can become that kind of reliable tool for quick successes, speeding up tasks or solving problems.

But then there’s the next level—AI as a teammate. This is where the magic happens. It’s not just something you pull out of the toolbox when needed—it’s the partner you can count on to add value every step of the way. It’s like the gift that keeps giving, always offering new ideas, faster solutions, and helping you think in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible.

Making Friends with AI: It’s All About Trust

Trust with AI builds over time through trying. The more you use it, the more you see what it can do—and just as importantly, what it can’t do. It’s like building any new relationship; you start by dipping your toes in, experimenting with simple tasks, and slowly, you gain confidence as you see how reliable it can be.

But here’s the catch: trust with AI isn’t just about trusting the technology itself. It’s about trusting yourself, too. There’s often this fear that using AI will somehow dilute your own creativity or take away from your humanity. I’ve found that the opposite is true—AI amplifies your voice, but only if you keep finding yourself in the work. It’s not about giving up control; it’s about leveraging AI to take what’s already in your head and bring it to life faster and more efficiently.

This kind of trust comes through repetition. Like any skill, the more you practice, the more familiar and comfortable you become. Think about it like learning a musical instrument—you might start off shaky, unsure of how to hit the right notes, but with time, muscle memory kicks in. The same goes for AI. The more you use it, the more intuitive it becomes. It goes from feeling like a foreign object to something that feels almost second nature. It’s not perfect, but that’s where you step in, refining the final product and making sure your voice shines through.

In the end, it’s about trusting that you’re still the conductor of this orchestra. AI is just an incredibly versatile instrument that helps you create your masterpiece faster.

Game-Based Thinking and AI: Let’s Play

Working with AI is a natural fit for game-based thinking because it invites you to see opportunities everywhere. Challenges? They’re just exercises to make you stronger. And winning? It’s inevitable—with enough time and practice.

This is the essence of play-based leadership, and it’s the same mindset you should have when working with AI. Every interaction is a chance to explore, discover, and improve. The more you play with AI, the more you realize its potential, just like learning the rules of a new game. There’s always another level to unlock.

AI as a Teammate: What It’s Really Like

Now, let’s have some fun with this idea of AI as a teammate. If I were a Disney princess (let’s say, one that’s really into leadership and business development), I’d be wandering around with little AI birds floating on my shoulders, offering ideas and helping me stay on track. In a sing-song voice, I’d say, “Oh AI, you’ve been such a helpful teammate!” And the AI birds would chirp back, “Right away, Blair, here’s the perfect solution!”

Okay, we’re not exactly living in a Disney movie, but AI can feel a bit like that magical sidekick that’s always there when you need it. Working with AI brings a sense of flow and freedom that’s hard to match with traditional methods. I’ve found that when I use voice dictation, for example, I can think out loud and move freely while AI takes my words and organizes them into something structured and coherent. It feels like I’m in conversation with a teammate who’s a million times faster than me, ready to catch every idea I throw out there.

But here’s the thing—it’s not just about speed. It’s about having that reliable partner who shows up every time, ready to assist. It’s like working with someone who never gets tired, never needs a break, and is always operating at peak efficiency. The creative process flows so much faster when I’m not bogged down by the mechanics of writing or thinking in a linear way. I get to focus on the big ideas, while AI helps make those ideas concrete.

The funny part? AI might be fast, but it’s still a work in progress. That’s why I, the Disney princess, always get the final say, adding the human touch that takes AI’s suggestions from good to great.

Embracing AI Ethically: My Personal Rules

Now, let’s get serious for a second—because there’s an ethical side to using AI that leaders must pay attention to. Here are my personal rules for keeping AI ethical and transparent in my work:

  1. Acknowledge It: I always let people know when AI has been part of the process. Transparency is key, and it’s important that others understand how AI has helped shape the outcome.
  2. Review It: After AI does its thing, I always review the work to make sure it aligns with my voice, tone, and accuracy. I double-check sources, tone, and details to ensure the end result feels authentic—not just some automated response.
  3. Invite Others to Join In: The third rule? Don’t play solo. AI is too valuable a tool to keep to yourself. I encourage others to get in the game too, because the more we share, the more we all benefit from what AI can offer.



OK, Let’s Play

Alright, leaders, this is where the magic happens. We’ve talked about how AI can act like a teammate—so why not put that into practice this week? If you’ve been curious about integrating AI into your work, now’s the time to dive in and explore the possibilities. The more you play with AI, the more you’ll discover how powerful it can be as a creative partner.

Ready: Take a moment to reflect on how AI could support your current projects. Is there a creative task you’ve been struggling to find time for, or a brainstorming session that feels stuck? Think about where AI could act as your thought partner, and open yourself up to experimenting.

Set: Schedule a block of time this week to engage with AI. Maybe it’s 30 minutes to explore how AI can help you write, create, or solve a leadership challenge. Whatever it is, commit to giving it a try. You’ll learn as you go—and that’s the beauty of it!

Go: Here are four steps to get started:

  1. Start Small: Pick one task where you’d like some help—whether it’s brainstorming ideas, writing a draft, or problem-solving. Let AI support you in getting the ball rolling.
  2. Talk It Out: Use voice dictation or even conversation with AI to make the process feel more natural. Remember, you’re not just typing commands—you’re collaborating with a partner who’s there to listen.
  3. Refine Together: After AI provides suggestions, bring your own style and creativity into the final product. The best outcomes happen when you combine the power of AI with your personal touch. And remember, always give a final human edit for that extra polish.
  4. Try Again: Commit to a second practice session. The more you engage with AI, the smoother and more intuitive the process becomes. Track how much you improve from the first time to the second—it’s all part of building your creative muscle with AI.

Conclusion: Playing with AI to Lead Smarter

In 2024, AI is no longer just a futuristic concept—it’s here, and it’s ready to help us lead more creatively and effectively. By treating AI as a teammate, leaders can unlock new ways to think, create, and solve problems. Whether you’re experimenting with AI for the first time or deepening your relationship with it as a creative partner, the key is to stay curious, stay playful, and keep refining the process.

So, go ahead—invite the algorithm next door into your leadership toolkit, and see how it can help you play your way to better results.

Hey there! I’m Blair Bloomston, the creative mind behind the Play Uplifted blog, fueled by my 20+ years of experience as a game-based learning designer. The ideas and content? All mine. But I have to give a shoutout to my amazing assistant, ChatGPT, who swoops in to fix my typos and smooth out the grammar. Together, we’re here to elevate your leadership game. Cheers for collaborAItion at work!


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